Conference Objectives
By way of films and presentations from expert global independent and industry speakers, the 2024 Aircraft Cabin Air Conference will provide a vital update into the subject matter. The 2-day in-person conference will provide a wide selection of presentations and talks. These will range from the historical beginnings of contaminated air, previous research, the flight safety implications and findings, medical aspects of exposures, current research and policy making, review of ICAO, IATA, EASA, IFALPA, ITF, GCAQE and FAA positions and guidance related to the issue, the new GCARS reporting system or discover the very latest news in the development of less hazardous oils, sensors and air cleaning technologies to detect and filter contaminated air.
The conference will seek to achieve the following key objectives:
> To provide a brief historical overview of the contaminated air issue and its causes from the 1950s to present day.
> Map out the flight safety aspects of contaminated air through case studies, discussion and air accident investigation findings.
> Disseminate the latest medical and scientific theories and findings on the health aspects of exposure to contaminated air.
> Guidance of workers compensation, legal and the regulatory aspects of cabin air quality.
> Provide regulators, airline managers, airlines, occupational health, policy makers, public health officials, engine manufacturers, researchers, academia, airline workers, passengers, media and other interested parties, the opportunity to expand their knowledge and understanding of the contaminated air issue.
> Examine the latest development towards less hazardous oils, bleed air filtration, contaminated air warning sensor systems and other emerging solutions.