"Conferência Internacional"
do Ar na Cabine de Aeronaves 2022
Conferência Multilíngue online
Evento multilíngue de dois dias com filmes impactantes, apresentações e discussões ministradas por especialistas do setor e do assunto.
14-15 de Setembro de 2022
Following on from the success of the 2017, 2019 and 2021 Aircraft Cabin Air Conferences, the new format 2022 conference, will be an essential two-day multi-lingual modular online event. Providing through films, presentations and discussions (in several languages), the conference will provide an in-depth overview and update for those interested in the subject of contaminated air on aircraft, the flight safety implications, the latest research into the contaminated air debate and the solutions available to airlines and aircraft operators.
The International Aircraft Cabin Air Conference is the leading conference in the world on this important subject and maps the business, regulatory and technical solutions to cabin air contamination.
Who should participate?
- Safety equipment providers
- Health & Safety Regulators
- Maintenance Companies
- Airline Safety Departments
- Air Accident Investigators
- Crew & Unions
- Policy Makers
- Press & Media
- Airline Management
- Aircraft Manufacturers
- Aircraft Insurers
- Leasing Companies
- Scientists
- Occupational Health Professionals
- Academics & Researchers
- Engineers